Greener Airlines – Less CO2, Better Environment

Following an initiation of IATA and its member airlines a website has been created to educate people about aviation’s effects on the environment and to communicate the efforts and results that airlines achieve to reduce emission and help nature in recovering.

The motto of the website is Clearer vision, cleaner skies. It says efficiency comes not only from less fuel consuming aircrafts, but also from more efficient operations. Less fuel usage can be saved:

  • By shortening air routes (flying more directly between 2 destination
  • By more precisely planning navigation (circling less above a city)
  • By reducing weight of aircrafts (better organized load planning)

In 2006 only 6 million tonnes of fuel was saved. However there are still ways to improve. The website presents case studies from the industry hat show how emission can be reduced. In the “Did you know?” section we can read questions people asked from aviation experts and of course we can see their answers as well. Also we can read simple facts and figures collected about the airline industry and if we still haven’t found what we were looking for, we can ask questions from the experts taking part in this project.

Screenshot of the website

The best part of the website is the “Flying Experience” menu, which is a small, attractive application that explains the posibilites aviation industry can do in order to preserve nature. It takes us through the process of flying from getting prepared to arriving at the destination using nice graphics, so it is understandable for even children, therefore it can be used even to teach children about the idea at an early age.

I personally really like this initiation and we will carry on writing about such achievements and about airlines that take any kind of steps in order to keep our planet alive.

By Szafi 

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